Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fiction packet 3

The story I found most interesting from this packet was The Falling Girl.  The details the author uses to describe the setting are so rich and really set the scene.  The second paragraph really reminds you of how it would look to be looking down on a city from a skyscraper.  It puts an image into your mind of how the cars look on the streets below, and how everything looks so small and peaceful from up above, even if you know the opposite to be true.

The story truly takes an interesting turn.  It seems for a little while as though Marta, the main character, is about to kill herself, and that the story is about to get really depressing.  So it comes as a bit of a surprise when all of the dialogue between Marta and the "beautiful people" is actually rather light hearted.  It seems as if even though she jumped from the top of a skyscraper, it won't lead to her death.  It really comes as a bit of a surprise in the middle of the story.

The ending is thoroughly confusing to me.  I think that she and all of the other women jumping did in fact commit suicide.  That part is rather depressing.  It seems as though as she fell, it took a long time for her to reach the bottom, and that she was actually decaying on the way down.  What a depressing way to end the story right?  my guess would be she was all bones when she hit the ground.  Hence the lack of a thud that the husband noticed.  

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