Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sketching by Cameron

This is a really good piece to have the class read.  Spot on stuff in here.  Basically, the author tells you that there is no one correct way to write.  That whatever you decide, and whatever helps you write the best is what you should do.  While yes, it is a bit of a cop-out, it is also entirely accurate, and it can help settle the nerves of an aspiring writer.  Instead of one distinct, absolute, tried and true best way to write, all you have to do is pick a style that is most comfortable for you.

Cameron describes her writing style as "sketching".  What she means by that is that she might have a general idea, or a sketch, of what is going to happen in her head.  After that, she lets the rest of the story just flow to her.  They are influenced by the things she sees and does, and the people they meet.

Many of the other styles that Cameron describes to her daughter are more carefully planned out than her own.  The one that I admire the most would be the one where the person goes to the place they're writing about and researches everything about it.  However, this style of writing seems highly impractical.